Monday 17 June 2013

"Gay Marriage No Thanks"

A new anti-equal rights or as I like to call them "anti-human rights" group has been set up in England called "Gay Marriage No Thanks." This charming group of "professionals" have posted an advert in The Times (a publication that supports gay marriage) The advert is aimed at members of the house of lords currently reviewing the equal marriage bill. The advert lists their "10 good reasons why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed."

What ground breaking, intelligent reasons are these you ask? Well let's take a look.

  • Intact biological families provide the gold standard for the well being of children.
  • Children have a human right to be nurtured by both their biological parents.
  • Gay parenting by definition denies the child from having one or both biological parents.
  • Popular support for the bill is based on the unfounded theory that people are ‘born gay’.
  • All school children will be taught that as adults they can have marriage relationships with either men or women.
  • Adolescents commonly experience temporary same-sex attraction: this does not mean they are gay
  • There is no evidence that SSM (same-sex marriage) strengthens marriage. In Spain marriage rates fell precipitously.
  • Behind this bill is a militant move to deny gender difference.
  • ‘Equal love’ leads to unequal marriage.
  • Civil partnerships already provide all the legal and financial benefits of marriage for gay people.
Okay, now let's dissect these in depth and brilliant arguments against gay marriage.

1) "intact" and "biological" I don't see how this is an argument against gay marriage? If this group believes so strongly that children should be raised by their biological mother and father and no one else then what happens to the 42% of marriages in the UK that are expected to end in divorce? Not to mention the numerous foster families and adopted families raising children? If this argument is strong enough to prevent gay couples adopting then surely it should apply to all right? We wouldn't want to discriminate after all.

2) I think this group of "professionals" can't count because this sounds like the first argument repeated to me. 

3) Echo echo echo.

4) Unfounded theory that people are not born gay? Okay, at what point in your lives did you chose to be straight? at what point did you stand up and say I am not sexually attracted to male genitalia but female genitalia and vice versa? It is NOT a choice, people are BORN gay. It takes one to know one I'm afraid. Unless you yourself are gay and have gone through the process of realising your true feelings and having to come out to society then you cannot possibly assume what it is like or how we feel.

5) ALL children should already be taught in schools that it is okay for them to grow up and love who they want. Otherwise schools would be teaching inequality, prejudice and hatred. Telling children that it is NOT okay for them to be gay is hate speech and immoral.

6) Yes it is true that adolescents commonly experience attraction to both sexes during puberty, I myself at the age of 14 found myself attracted to a girl despite knowing I was gay. However, I don't think adolescents are allowed to marry? Therefore, 14 year olds won't suddenly wake up one morning during their honeymoon and realise they have made a slight mistake making this ANOTHER invalid argument against gay marriage.

7) No evidence that same sex marriage strengthens marriage? You are right. It has NO effect on straight marriage what so ever so all of the critics out there worried about their own marriages ... don't. As for Spain, the number of marriages has decreased due to Spain's disastrous financial situation. Adults in their 30's, 40's and 50's are losing their homes and having to move back in with elderly parents. People just cannot afford to get married.

8) Militant move to deny gender difference? Yes biologically there is a difference but I don't see how that has any affect on society? Men and Women should be treated equally and transgender people need to be treated with the respect and love they deserve. Therefore this argument, by implying it is not okay to see no difference between genders in a social context, is either Sexist or Transphobic, both of which are disgusting.

9) "equal love leads to unequal marriage" this one doesn't even make sense. There is no point.

10) Yes civil partnerships already provide the legal benefits of marriage, however this is not a fight for legal benefits but for social acceptance and equality. How are we ever to be accepted and treated as full equals if we continue to be marginalised and segregated? When interracial marriage was first made legal if it had been called a "bi-racial civil union" that would meant a continuation in prejudice, hate and segregation for mixed race couples wanting to be with the person that they loved. 

So in conclusion, there is not a single valid argument in their campaign to deny gay people the right to marry the one they love. This will NOT stop the fight for justice and acceptance, it will NOT stop gay people from loving one another and one day I WILL walk hand in hand with my husband and our child. Those opposed to gay rights will be laughed at just as those opposed to women getting the vote and the rights of ethnic minorities are laughed at today. 

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